ENERGY STAR® in Northeast Florida
At Providence Homes, we take great pride in building 100% ENERGY STAR® Certified homes that can keep up with the energetic families that live inside them, while offering a cleaner, healthier environment for all. Through applied technologies and proven building science practices, our homes outperform traditional code-built homes in all aspects of design and performance.
All Providence Homes are designed and built with an innovative conditioned attic system that features air-tight foam insulation under the roof deck. This building practice keeps the attic within 6 to 8 degrees of the indoor temperature year-round, providing you with a cleaner, healthier, and far more energy efficient home. In fact, our attics are so cool that a chocolate bunny wouldn’t melt even on the hottest days.

EPA's Indoor airPLUSⓇ
Providence Homes proudly offers homes that are being designed and built with state-of-the-art materials and technologies that promote healthy air quality to meet the EPA’s Indoor airPLUS® requirements.
Building Tomorrow's Home, Today!
Our Partners
We are proud to partner with the following organizations.