HERS Scores Becoming the New Standard with Homebuilders!

The RESNET HERS Index Score is finally going mainstream in the U.S. But at Providence Homes, we were well ahead of this trend – we’ve been promoting our HERS ratings for ages!
We’re watching with interest as homebuilders are having their homes energy rated and are marketing the HERS Index Scores of their homes. Even the Multiple Listing Services (MLS) are incorporating the HERS Index Scores in their listings.
The obvious next step is to begin educating consumers on the HERS Index. In order to facilitate that education process, RESNET has produced a short video that explains what the HERS Index is to home buyers.
The video is narrated by John Bell, the Director of the Sustainable Housing Foundation. Bell has over a decade of television experience, which included hosting HGTV’s World’s Greenest Homes, which featured some of the most sustainable homes around the world. The video is designed to encourage homebuyers to ask for the HERS Index Score of the home they are considering buying, whether it’s new or existing.
While we’ve been promoting and explaining HERS for years, it’s nice to see the rest of the industry starting to catch up!
Watch here: